2019 TCF

Beijing, China, 6-8 September 2019
The third Taihe Civilizations Forum (TCF) will be held from September 6 to 8, 2019 in Beijing, China. Initiated by Taihe Institute in 2017, the TCF, with the theme of "Science Culture · Future Ethics · Common Values", has been aiming to facilitate the exchange of and mutual learning among civilizations, countries and regions, and promote the harmonious and sustainable development of human society.
Since its foundation, the TCF has gathered together approximately 500 leading experts from business, governmental, international organizations, and academic sectors with heated discussions on the topics such as International Relations, People-to-People Exchange, Advanced Technology and Sustainable Development, and has become a well-known international platform of communications. The 2019 TCF will be comprised of five sessions: International Relations, Education and Culture, Advanced Technology, Security and Development of B&R and Youth Dialogue.
- Rashid Alimov Distinguished Fellow of Taihe Institute.
- H.E.Vladimir Norov Secretary General of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
- Wu Hailong Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute, President of China Public Diplomacy Association.
- 2019 Content Highlights
- Selected information in Taihe Civilization Forum, all speaker.
2019 Agenda
- Day by day agenda in Taihe Civilization Forum.